
Where you can help

  • moodle.communication: MoodleSession implements Moodle’s Web Service API: it is incomplete and has no support for different service versions. Implementing those is tedious, especially since Moodles API is pretty wonky: You will almost always receive 200 OK, and will have to handle exceptions by hand.
  • moodle.models: contains various representations of Moodle data structures. They are badly interconnected and need restructuring.
  • wstools: needs command structure. a curses interface and better pretty printing should be nice.


Moodle back-end

Moodle Developers do not provide direct access to the Web Service API. The WS API Documentation is only available per Moodle instance, so you are left with some choices:

  • Ask your Moodle Administrator for it,
  • set-up your own Moodle Instance (I recommend you don’t, installation takes a really long time),
  • get it from the Moodle Demo Server,
  • dig in Moodle’s PHP sources (I also recommend against that, use as last resort. Does not help understanding the data structures.)

This Code

Well, you are reading it… That is how much documentation there is, there will be more, tho. If you really, really want to help the tool along or ask for an explanation, ask -1 via twitter or mail.


Before starting to develop on manly-man moodle scripts you should run the boostrap script. This will setup git-flow with the default settings.

We recommend git-flow AVH Edition. For detailed installation instructions have a look at

Working with git-flow

  1. Start a new feature with git-flow feature start FEATURE_NAME (this creates a new branch)
  2. Hack on your feature
  3. Finish your feature with git-flow feature stop FEATURE_NAME (this merges the branch into develop)